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Going to the dentist can be relaxing…

With sedation, you no longer have to feel afraid or anxious and can finally get the treatment you may have been putting off.

Types of Sedation:

Nitrous Oxide (Laughing Gas)

One of the oldest forms of sedation still in use, nitrous oxide is a gas inhaled through a nasal mask. Easily adjusted throughout treatment, the sedative effects of nitrous oxide take hold quickly, so we’ll be able to maintain your optimal level of comfort throughout treatment. Best of all, nitrous oxide sedation wears off just as quickly as it sets in. That means you can go right back to your daily activities and even drive yourself home from your appointment.

Conscious Oral Sedation

Patients with severe dental anxiety may want to consider oral conscious sedation. This form of sedative is administered via prescription pill taken about an hour prior to your appointment, so you’ll start to relax before you ever leave home. You’ll need to have a friend drive you to the office, and by the time you arrive, you’ll already be feeling more relaxed. Throughout treatment, you’ll be alert enough to respond to questions, but you will likely not remember much of your visit. Following treatment, you’ll need to have a friend or family member drive you home. You should relax and recover for at least twelve hours before resuming your daily activities.

IV Sedation

With IV sedation, you will start to feel very relaxed and comfortable, and then before you know it, you will be ready to go home. You will be closely monitored while you are under sedation, and you will need to arrange for transportation to and from your appointment. You’ll find peace of mind knowing you made the right decision for your oral health.


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